
Reporting Observations 2/5

Last week I went over the key verbs and verbal phrases on this topic. This week I will be going over key nouns.

Key Nouns

  • La direction a fait / établi un rapport sur l’année 2018 – 2019.
    • Management has written / composed a report on the year 2018 – 2019.
  • C’est le ministre de l’Environnement qui fera le discours ce soir.
    • The Minister for the Environment will be making the speech tonight. (discours = official speech)
  • A l’occasion de l’Assemblée Générale, elle a fait une communication sur les fouilles.
    • At the Annual General Meeting, she gave a paper on the excavations. (communication conference paper)
  • Dans le communiqué du préfet, vous avez sans doute remarqué la première observation.
    • In the prefect’s report, you will probably have noticed his first observation / remark. (exposé = official report)
  • Chaque étudiante devra préparer un exposé qu’il présentera devant la classe.
    • Each student will be required to prepare a paper which he/she will deliver to the class. (exposé = paper delivered orally by students)
  • Le Secrétaire nous lira le procès-verbal de la dernière réunion des chercheurs.
    • The Secretary will read is the minutes of the last meeting of the researchers. (procès-verbal = official minutes)
  • Ma collègue nous a offert une mise au point du problème.
    • My colleague has given us an outline / a summary of the problem.
  • La constatation va certes surprendre certains professionnels.
    • Of course the observation will surprise some professionals.
  • La déclaration du Président a été applaudie.
    • The President’s statement / declaration was applauded.
  • Il faudra que je donne des précisions sur ce point.
    • I must give some more details on this point.
  • Les actionnaires s’attendront à une analyse détaillée des données.
    • The shareholders will expect a detailed analysis of the facts / data.
  • L’étude approfondie du groupe français a fourni des indications favorables.
    • The full / detailed study by the French group offered some favorable findings.

Have a great weekend, everyone! Part 3 next week!

A bientôt !


Plurals of Nouns

Regular Noun Plurals

Most French nouns form their plural by adding -s to the singular form. Note that the -s is not pronounced.

Singular Plural
la capitale (the capital) les capitales (the capitals)
le mot (the word) les mots (the words)
l’arbre (the tree) les arbres (the trees)


  • Nouns whose singular ends in -s-x, or -z remain unchanged in the plural.
Singular Plural
le bras (the arm) les bras (the arms)
la voix (the voice) les voix (the voices)
le nez (the nose) les nez (the noses)
  • Nouns ending in -au or -eu in the singular form their plural by adding -x.
Singular Plural
le bureau (the office) les bureaux (the offices)
le jeu (the game) les jeux (the games)
  • Nouns whose singular ends in -al or -ail usually drop that ending and add instead -aux to form the plural.
Singular Plural
le cheval (the horse) les chevaux (the horses)
le travail (the work) les travaux (the works)
  • Note the following irregular cases:
Singular Plural
l’œil (the eye) les yeux
monsieur (sir, gentleman, Mr.) messieurs (sirs, gentlemen)
madame (lady, madam, Mrs.) mesdames (ladies, madams)
mademoiselle (young lady, Miss) mesdemoiselles (young ladies, misses)

Enjoy your week, everyone!

Merci à vous !
